Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yay! We might get Sara's photos next week!
Random thought: I'm gonna take Winnie's car to work tomorrow. hehehe.


Katy Mills Mall

Yesterday we went shopping with Ruth Ann at Katy Mills Mall for her birthday. We watched Madelyn, Sara's BFF, as she went around on the carousel. She was riding the horse pretty quick! We picked up a cute sunflower outfit at Carter's. Then we went out for lunch at TGI Friday's & had huge margaritas. Unfortunately, they tasted more like virgin fruit slushies. It was a nice girls day out of shopping & lunch.

4th photo, 4th folder

I was tagged by Niki to display my 4th photo from my fourth folder on my computer. This is Sara in her lil pink Nike outfit that Aunt Claudia bought her. There are lil matching socks that she has on also. She is 9 weeks old in this picture. She doesn't like hats, but I managed to snap a pic before she started wailing.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shopping in the New Car

Yesterday was eventful. Sara & I went shopping in the new car. She is getting so heavy especially with the carseat. I took her out using the Baby Bjorn carrier which was much more convienent. We were doing pretty good too. We went to Kohl's & Half Price Books. Then she got hungry. So I fed her in the cozy backseat of the Mini. Boy, does she eat slow! Anyways! Sara wouldn't burp after that so off we went to the next store. We went to Target & then Border's. I was about to get her out of the carseat in the parking lot of Border's when all of a sudden... a fountain of formula came out of Sara. It covered her chest, lap, legs, the seatbelts in the carseat. I just looked at her like a deer in headlights. Should I just leave her in her mess and drive straight home? Should I clean her up and keep going with the shopping? Sigh! So I decided to clean her up. It took me a while to wipe her down, change her clothes, & wipe down the carseat. Thank goodness, she only got a spec on the new seat! It was a challenge to do in the backseat, but we managed. So after Border's, we were off to Sam's to pick up a couple things & visit my co-workers. This was our last stop since I didn't want to keep pulling her in and out of the goey carseat. Now back home, it was traffic time now. And then I realized! It's me and Sara in the car! I can take the HOV! I was home in no time. Then with Sara screaming. I fed her, bathed her sticky lil fingers, & washed the carseat. I was pooped! Lights out! We are staying home today!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sara's 2 Months Old

Today we went for Sara's 2 month check-up. She recieved 2 shots, 1 in each chicken thigh, & an oral one. That's what the 2 metallic band-aids are on her legs. Total about 6 or 7 vaccines. She was all giggly & smiling with the doctor. He said she had a perfectly round head & to keep up her tummy time.

Her stats:

Height: 22 3/4 in (50-75%)

Weight: 11 lbs (25%)

Head: 15 1/4 in (50%)

Then after we got home she was fussy & angry. I think she was in a lot of pain because once I got her to stop screaming she slept for 5 hrs in the middle of the afternoon from all the excitement & exhaustion.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had an awesome Valentine's day! I traded in my Toyota Solara today for this cute Mini Cooper S. And YES we all fit perfectly in it! Thank you honey! Kim told my mother that a red car was better than red roses. She said Yes! :O) Then we went to visit Claudia & had a yummy lobster dinner @ Fish City where Marcelo works. What a perfect day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lil Coughs

First cold scare, thank goodness it was nothing. Sara started coughing last weekend. We didn't think anything of it, but then it got worst. Tuesday she was all coughin, sneezing, & phlemy. She started couginh in her sleep, but she kept sleeping & eating like normal. We even slept on the couch together, which helped her sleep longer. Wednesday she got lots of saline nose drops & was better. She slept right thru Aunt Claudia's bday dinner for 4 hrs. Today she pretty much was cough-free. Yeah! I almost let the new mommy fears get to me, but thank goodness everything is all better.

Good thing because we may go car shopping this weekend
(and it may go beyond the Houston area).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Merry Belated Christmas Me!

Kim got me a belated Christmas present! UPS delivered my new T-Mobile G1 phone! It's so pretty & techy. I'm a little fustrated with it though because all my contacts are in my Outlook & this phone doesn't work with that. Otherwise, it's an awesome gift. Thank you Daddy Nguyen!

Also, Sara was wide awake this evening just giggling away!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sara's Music Video

This is a music video of the photos we had done for Sara at 2 weeks old. I love this photographer (Ecor Rouge). She made every picture so adorable!

Daddy got hit!

Sara got daddy good tonight! She had 1 oz. left to go in her 4 oz. bottle when all of a sudden... projectile spit-up! It got Kim's lap, the couch below him, & the cushion next to them (& of course all over Sara). It was pretty funny to me! After a much needed bath, Sara was hungry again. I wonder why?! So Kim re-fed her another 4.5 oz. again (in the photo). And now Sara is zonked out from all the excitement.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Houston Auto Show

Today we went to the Auto Show with our friends. I wanted to check out the different cars out there to see if anything sparked my interest. This was Sara's first auto show adventure & I'm sure there will be plenty more shows in her future because of daddy. I didn't see anything that I really liked (in our price range of course) that caught my attention. I know I didn't like the Acura's because they all had about 80+ buttons on the dash. So I'm back to the 2 cars that I originally like, Mini Cooper & BMW 3 series. After the show we had dinner at Nippon, yummy sushi restaurant, that we hadn't been to for over a month. Then it was back home since we were all exhausted, bellies full, & ready for bed.